Duguay Ed is entering it’s 8th year of successful, proactive advocacy for the families of Colorado. We are a small, woman-owned and operated entity with deep roots in the special education field. We can help you navigate the complexities of school relationships and child needs because we know what the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act means and are comfortable holding schools and school districts accountable for the requirements in providing students with disabilities their Free and Appropriate Public Education in the most inclusive environment possible, their Least Restrictive Environment.
Working with Duguay Educational Consulting and Advocacy means:
You’ll have a team of knowledgeable, dedicated former special education teachers and administrators on your side.
You’ll have access to a team with a strong working knowledge of Colorado education practices.
You’ll have access to a team with strong and diverse local collaborative relationships to chart a clear path forward.
Whether you’re local or relocating, we can help connect you with our network of professionals to assess your child’s needs, determine and implement an action plan, and find ongoing support.
Consultations are $150.
We have relationships with school districts in the Denver Metro area and beyond. We can work with any school district in the state and can transfer many of our services to support relocation, and IDEA concerns in states outside of Colorado.
We work with the following school districts on a regular basis:
Denver Public Schools
Aurora Public Schools
Cherry Creek School District
Douglas County School District
Adams 12 Five Start Schools
Mapleton Public Schools
St. Vrain Valley School District
Boulder Valley School District
27 J School District
JeffCo Public Schools
Littleton Public Schools